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  • The first "photovoltaic+energy storage" ground photovoltaic project in Qinghai Oilfield generates over 10000 kWh of electricity per day

The first "photovoltaic+energy storage" ground photovoltaic project in Qinghai Oilfield generates over 10000 kWh of electricity per day

2023.08.29 Editor: Huizhi New Energy Hits:0

Qinghai Oilfield actively promotes the energy revolution and focuses on promoting green transformation and high-quality development. It has created the first ground photovoltaic project in remote areas, using the "photovoltaic+energy storage" model to continuously supply "green" electricity to oil and gas fields. The salt lake gas field in the block is also the first zero carbon demonstration zone photovoltaic power station in the oilfield, which "charges" electricity for stable production and production of the oilfield, The development of new energy in oil fields is turning from a blueprint into a reality.


The Qaidam Basin, where Qinghai Oilfield is located, has a high altitude, clean atmosphere, dry air, low latitude, high total solar radiation, and annual sunshine hours ranging from 3200 to 3600 hours. It ranks among the top in solar energy resources in the country and is one of the most abundant regions in the world. The abundant solar energy and unused desert land resources are advantaged for the development of clean energy industries such as photovoltaics.

Developing clean energy is a move of the times and a development strategy. Adjusting and optimizing the energy structure, promoting clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient utilization of energy, is not only a strategic need to ensure national energy security, but also a necessary requirement to vigorously build a new model of energy development and promote high-quality development of Qinghai Oilfield.

Since the beginning of this year, the oilfield has followed the overall deployment of the group company's "clean substitution, strategic succession, and green transformation" three steps, deeply promoting green transformation, accelerating the process of clean substitution of energy for oilfield production, reducing fossil energy consumption, integrating development into the overall situation of national ecological civilization construction, fully utilizing abundant scenic resources, and fully promoting the implementation and implementation of new energy projects, forming a new pattern of integrated development of oil and gas exploration and development with new energy, Strive to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals.

On June 29th, with the main switch of the 1.53 megawatt photovoltaic power station busbar switchgear in the remote block photovoltaic construction project of the oilfield, the completion and operation of the three photovoltaic power stations in the remote block photovoltaic construction project, namely the Seven Springs Oilfield, Youquanzi Oilfield, and Salt Lake Gas Field, were successfully completed and put into operation. From then on, these three blocks officially bid farewell to the previous natural gas and oil power generation and entered the era of "green electricity".

At present, the photovoltaic construction projects in remote areas that have been put into operation have a daily average total power generation of over 10000 kilowatt hours. Qigequan 1.53 MW photovoltaic power station, Youquanzi 0.42 MW photovoltaic power station, and Salt Lake 0.14 MW photovoltaic power station. The three blocks are expected to generate 3.737 million kWh of electricity annually, which can save 500000 cubic meters of natural gas, 309 tons of diesel, and 2976 tons of carbon for the oil field.

10000 kilowatt hours of electricity is equivalent to a household's electricity consumption of 4 to 5 years. A seemingly simple number is actually obtained through the hard work and sweat of the participants, "said Jin Yong, the technical team leader of the power generation workshop of the water supply and power supply company involved in the project construction, with deep feelings. The successful operation of the project can not only reduce the cost of electricity and gas consumption, but also contribute to the energy conservation and emission reduction of the oil field, achieving a unified combination of economic, environmental and social benefits.

The remote block photovoltaic construction project is the first ground photovoltaic project in the oilfield, and it is also the first project to operate under the development mode of "spontaneous self use of surplus electricity without grid connection, and bidirectional energy metering at grid connection". It is also the first project to manufacture photovoltaic component brackets by a surface gathering and transmission engineering company, all of which are tests for the oilfield to enter a new business, At the same time, it is also an important measure to deeply implement the "1346" development strategy of oilfield companies.

Energy storage, simply understood as storing energy, is an extension of photovoltaic technology. Photovoltaic power generation and energy storage are good partners for new energy.

The energy storage system in the oil field mainly consists of energy storage batteries, energy storage converters, energy storage grid connected cabinets, fire equipment, etc. The equipment is integrated into the energy storage container to carry out energy storage operation.

During the construction of remote blocks, the energy storage containers next to the photovoltaic panels of each photovoltaic power station are equipped with lithium iron phosphate energy storage batteries. Lithium iron phosphate battery energy storage technology has the advantages of high system efficiency, fast response speed, high control accuracy, and flexible installation. The battery can continuously transmit electricity for several hours or more.

Photovoltaics are a 'watch the sky eat' phenomenon. Whenever the weather is bad or at night, the energy storage battery, a super 'power bank', starts to showcase its capabilities as a voltage stabilizer for the power grid and a storage device for clean energy, ensuring uninterrupted power supply Zhang Yong, the head of the Production and Operation Office of the New Energy Business Unit, said.

The "photovoltaic+energy storage" model of remote block photovoltaic construction projects has also accumulated valuable experience and technical reserves for large-scale photovoltaic construction in the later stage of the oilfield, promoting the green transformation of the oilfield to enter a new stage.

The salt lake gas field in the remote block photovoltaic project used to rely on natural gas power generation units to provide power to its own power station. This time, by constructing photovoltaic energy storage to replace natural gas power generation, the salt lake gas field has achieved 100% green electricity substitution, becoming the first zero carbon demonstration area of the oil field.

The Salt Lake Gas Field Photovoltaic Power Station adopts an intelligent microgrid system for optical storage to replace gas power generation units. There are a total of 256 photovoltaic panels, with a total installed capacity of 139.52 kilowatts and a supporting energy storage capacity of 120 million/500 kilowatt hours. It is expected to generate 266000 kilowatt hours of electricity annually, save 500000 cubic meters of natural gas annually, equivalent to saving 665 tons of standard coal per year and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 1081 tons per year. As of now, the cumulative power generation of the salt lake gas field photovoltaic power station is 4074 kWh.

The salt lake gas field in remote areas has achieved 100% green electricity substitution, truly achieving zero carbon production. Next, we will take the salt lake gas field zero carbon pilot demonstration zone as the 'pioneer', gradually allowing more new energy projects to 'land, bloom, and bear fruit'. We will study and promote the layout and development of new energy and clean energy substitution from a strategic perspective, and strive to accelerate the formation of a green development growth pole with oil and gas as the main focus and multiple complementary energy Liu Enguo, the head of the new energy business unit of the oilfield, told reporters.

As the main construction unit of the project, the water supply and power supply company has taken "all staff actions" from top to bottom, from decision-making and deployment of target tasks to supervision and coordination of production organization, and then to project implementation and management. Since March of this year, the water supply and power supply company has strengthened top-level planning and design, and promoted project development at all levels. Select professional and technical personnel to go to Yumen Oilfield to learn valuable experience in the new energy industry, organize discussions and learn to master professional mainstream technologies, prepare feasibility studies for photovoltaic construction projects in remote areas of Qinghai Oilfield, establish a specialized collaborative design institute, and carry out photovoltaic land use, point selection, and resource carrying capacity surveys.

In response to the problems in the operation and maintenance of photovoltaic power stations, water supply and power supply companies have continuously strengthened project operation and maintenance, focusing on improving power supply reliability. By organizing research on basic knowledge of photovoltaic technology, daily operation and maintenance, and operational technical standards, we aim to standardize the five major standards of operation, inspection, daily maintenance, abnormal operation, and fault handling. We will strengthen the learning and analysis of typical faults in photovoltaic power plants and actual on-site fault handling. Based on daily electricity data and weather analysis, we will promptly carry out cleaning and maintenance of photovoltaic power generation strings, discover and solve existing problems and defects in a timely manner, Improve the operation and maintenance level of photovoltaic power plants, ensure the safe and efficient operation of photovoltaic power generation systems, and ensure that power generation equipment continues to maintain peak state.

We conduct comprehensive analysis of electricity data every month, judge abnormal changes in the data, and promptly report abnormal alarm information and equipment abnormal status in the system for processing to ensure that green electricity is' granular ', "Ren Yanjun, director of the production command center of the water supply and power supply company, told reporters.

Rows of photovoltaic panels and "power banks"... This is the most vivid practice of accelerating the implementation of new energy projects, realizing the large-scale development of new energy business, and building the Qinghai Tibet energy highland in the Plateau Oilfield. With the accelerating pace of the oil field turning towards "green", creating a diversified and complementary energy supply system for oil, gas, and new energy has become a shining "green" new business card for Qinghai Oilfield.

        Source: CCTV

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